Monday, October 18, 2010

Malice Bathory

Nickname: Malice Bathory a.k.a Demona
Source: link

Da, este aceeasi persoana care a fost postata acum ceva timp. Nu avem de gand sa stergem pozele respective, deoarece in opinia noastra (si ea conteaza) pozele respective se incadreaza in perspectiva unei Pitzigoth. Dar, de asemenea, recunoastem ca pozele ei recente se potrivesc la rubrica "Asa da!". Asa ca vom posta si unele poze recente ale ei, care chiar sunt foarte okay. ENJOY!

Current Residence: Bucharest, Romania
Interests: Occultism, History, Music, Make-up, Art, Dominating
Favourite movie: Rocknrolla, Trainspotting, Clerks 1 & 2, The Silence of the Lambs
Favourite genre of music: Check my Last.FM account for that.

Favourite artist: H.R.Giger, Paul Booth, Seth Siro Anton
Favourite poet or writer: G. Bacovia, Ion Minulescu, E.A. Poe, J.R. Huysmans
Favourite game: The Witcher, Prince of Persia - Warrior Within, Devil May Cry, F.E.A.R., Final Fantasy VIII, WoW

Favourite gaming platform: PC, X360
Favourite cartoon character: Alucard, Naraku, Gir
Personal Quote: Pain means Pleasure
Tools of the Trade: Canon AE-1, Photoshop CS4, Corel PaintShop Pro X2, Illustrator

MSN: malicebathory_thyqueen
Yahoo: malicebathory_thyqueen


Anonymous said...¤%20DuDix%20¤--html Tipa asta din Galati ar merge la rubrica asa nu! :)

Anonymous said...

Uitati o adevarata pitzi goth ccu profil pe Facebook:
